
Graphic Design

Neroli Eyeshadow packages


Branding/Advertising/Package/Web Design

Neroli is a cutting-edge cosmetics company marketing towards young, hip, modern females. They are eco and animal-friendly, and do not test on animals. Neroli embraces diversity, offering makeup in a variety of colors and finishes, aiming towards people who like to change their style often.

Project Tasks:
  • Logo, package, stationary, ad, and web design
  • Created the logo by hand, using a brush and ink, then scanning, editing, and vectorizing it for final output.
  • Used brushes in Photoshop to create the backgrounds for the eyeshadow packaging and combined with hand-drawn artwork to create the final package design.
  • Edited mockups to display final designs.
  • Designed the front-end user-interface for the Neroli website.
2017 FL Print Awards

Best of Category - Advertising (Print)

Neroli Eyeshadow packages Neroli forest ad Neroli forest ad mockup in magazine
Neroli arctic ad in the mall Neroli eyeshadow palettes closer view Neroli giftcards Neroli website on ipads Neroli website homepage Neroli letterhead Neroli business cards Neroli website order history on ipad Neroli website products ipad Neroli catalog Neroli makeup bag Neroli shopping bag Neroli arctic and desert palette ads in a magazine Neroli website on ipad